No More Heroes 1 and 2 Could Be Ported to Switch

“I’d love to be able to do that.”

Posted By | On 18th, Sep. 2018

The fan favorite, cult classic No More Heroes series returns next year via the release of the Switch exclusive Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes. Travis Strikes Again isn’t the third entry in the series, though, as much as it is a side story (a third game could still happen, though). But it could soon be joined by Travis’ first two outings on the Switch, if series creator, the ever quirky and eccentric Suda51, is to be believed.

Speaking to Nintendeal in an interview (which you can view below), Suda said that this is something he would be interested in doing, citing the similarly niche Bayonetta 1 and 2 compilation on the Nintendo Switch as a model for what the release could look like.

“Yeah, I’d love to be able to do that, and I am actually talking with Marvelous to be able to realize that. As you know Bayonetta got a 1 and 2 compilation for the Switch. We’d love to do the same thing,” he said, speaking through a translator.

Given that Travis Strikes Again, while looking great in its own right, isn’t quite the brand of Travis Touchdown action that fans of the series love it for, a compilation of the older games will probably be something that everyone will be happy with. Let’s hold out in hope that something like this does end up happening.

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